2015-16 MPS Local League Playoffs, News, MPSLL (MPSHL)

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Feb 24, 2016 | MPSLL | 93 views
2015-16 MPS Local League Playoffs
Welcome all MPS Local League teams to our fun season finale playoff weekend. Divisions will be hosted by Almaguin Ice Devils, Huntsville Otters, Muskoka Rock and South Muskoka Bears. Please check the tournament schedule carefully to make sure you are at the correct arena. Due to the number of teams in each division, some playoffs will require two days to complete the required number of games.

Tournament site can be located at: 


Playoff rules are as follows:


There will be absolutely NO checking allowed.

Reminder - any player receiving a suspension, may incur further suspension from the Local League. Suspensions not served during Playoffs may carry over into next season.


Teams have been placed within each division by winning percentage based on their regular season games.

All games will be 3-10 minute stop-time periods. Please be ready 10 minutes prior to your game start time; in case we are running ahead of schedule, games may start early. 5 goal (or greater) differential during 3rd period will result in run-time, until the differential is less than 5 goals, then stop-time will resume.  There will not be any overtime in the preliminary games, ties stand. There will be a flood after every game.

All teams will participate in point system games; 2 points for a win, 1 for a tie, 0 for a loss. The top points will determine seeding in each division for a Semi-final, or Final position, after the preliminary games. In the event of a tie for points, the tie will be broken per the following process:

1.    A computer scoring system on the tournament website; the team with the largest goal differential percentage will determine placement

2.    Any head to head games played during the playoff weekend (winner moves on)

3.    Team with the fewest goals against will move on

4.    Penalty minutes during playoff weekend (least number of minutes moves on)

5.    Head to head games played during regular season (winner moves on)

6.    Overall ranking in regular season (higher ranking moves on)

For those divisions with 7 teams (Novice and Bantam); the Wildcard will be the team in 4th place after the first two initial games are played, 4th place will be determined by the same rules for placement as above.

One 30 second timeout may be called per team in the Semi-final or Final games for Novice to Bantam. One 30 second timeout may be called per team per Midget LL game.

If a Semi-final or Championship game ends in a tie; teams will play 3 on 3 for 4 minutes, running your lines until sudden victory. If still tied, there will be a sudden victory shootout; no player may shoot twice until all players have had their chance to take a shot.

Each player will receive a gift for the tournament.

All decisions for the weekend will be made by the Local League Committee or his/her delegates. All decisions are final.


Reminder to everyone… This is a fun and fair play weekend.

Please respect all players, volunteers and officials, and… have a good time!